Is nepotism the slow poison that is killing the career of 'outsiders' in Bollywood

Few years ago, debate surrounding the Indian film industry - Bollywood - was 'whether nepotism exists in Bollywood'. Over the course of this debate period, the industry stalwarts neither gave affirmative answer nor declined the invite. Often they would defend themselves with age-old-proven body armour called diplomacy. It is safe to say that this debate has settled with an underlying deemed acceptance that - Yes, Nepotism exists in Bollywood!

"Nepotism has always existed in Bollywood." - Manoj Bajpayee

In 2020, the world is acknowledging a new debate - Whether nepotism the slow poison that kills the career of 'outsiders' in Bollywood? 

One has to admit that the rage in people against the Bollywood biggies is at its peak and the moral judge in them has already given the verdict of holding them guilty. This sentiment does not appear to be inspired by a single event, it appears to be a collection of smaller and bigger incidents over the years which have survived to make news sometimes and died being a grapevine most times.

Before we begin to discuss the views on this debate, let's understand what nepotism actually means (nerdy stuff). As per oxford dictionary, nepotism means 'the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs'

In simple words and in context to movie industry, a bollywood producer/ director/ senior actor - a person in the decision making capacity - uses (abuses) his or her capacity to favour someone over talent or capabilities. It translates to lack of fair and equitable opportunities for contenders.

I don't think this question warrants any debate because it is a no brainer that people who have spent decades building their empire/ ecosystem/ production banners prefer their set of people in them.

The more worthy question is – Does nepotism exists only in Bollywood? Or is Bollywood just a soft target?

These days Bollywood functions like any other corporate and nepotism exists all around us. Take an example of the company we work in, in the event of any vacancy don’t we try and get our friend/ family to fill the vacancy (obviously, they have to be meeting the job requirement). Even if there are multiple candidates, we tend to push candidature of our friend/ family.

Now let’s look at other walks of livelihood – Doctor? Tycoon business person or entrepreneur? Shopkeeper or Shop-owner? Lawyer? Politician? Every person ever who has built an ecosystem of supplier, knowledge, experience, success, failure, customers etc. will have it passed onto its family member or close aide (again, assuming the person has interest/ qualification for that field, let alone capability) 99.9% times than giving it out to an unknown third person with probably same or more ability and knack.

One has to somewhere somewhat agree that if there is anyone who has right to the resources garnered by one generation’s hard work, it is the next generation. It then gets complicated with talent, competence, flair, ability, proficiency etc. etc. of the person enjoying the setup. Does the outsider has claim to the existing setup? No. Does outsider deserve fair chance as much as an insider? Yes. Will he or she get it? No.

Practically, there is no end to this debate. Also, do not confuse the question in you if nepotism is correct or incorrect - that’s a very personal choice, rather recognise the existence of it in every walk of life and if you are against it, make sure you make the chance when you are in the shoes to do so.

Remember, our choices makes us who we are and we can always choose to do what is right – Hollywood movie J

